Charity Number 1187246
Day 36 - May 11th
28 Miles
Start: Bath Centre
Today will be a gentle run around Bath with the plan to visit as many of the iconic landmarks as possible.
I will be in contact with the following places and more in the next few weeks to ask for donations to the charities.
On this day I will take with me Sum Up gadgets and QR codes so that there are several ways that donations can be taken.
HELP on this day would be greatly appreciated by BATH, BATH AVON, BRADFORD-ON-AVON, and CHELWOOD BRIDGE ROTARY CLUBS,
if at all possible.
Roman Baths and Thermae Bath Spa
Bath Abbey Tower
Bath Skyline
Sally Lunn and other local businesses
The Kennet and Avon Canal
Bath Races
ALL the gardens within the city
The Royal Crescent Hotel and Spa and several other high-end hotels
The Jane Austin Centre and other Museums
Pulteney Bridge
These are just a few of the places that I hope to be in touch with, gaining support either with financial donations and/or donations of goods to auctions etc.
If you can help in any way by offering to do some of the contacting, please let me know asap.
Day 35 - May 10th
36.98 Miles
Start: Radstock at 10 am
I am travelling to Frome where I will leave my car.
Can anyone help by picking me up and taking me to the start of my run in Radstock please? If not, is there a taxi company that I could tap into that you would recommend?
My route will take me through
Haydon Hill
Ammersdown Park [I intend to run around the park]
Upper Vobster and Vobster
Vobster and Upper Vobster
Great Elm
Mells Park [including the 2.5 mile circular walk]
Great Elm
Frome with a 3 mile loop
Approximate finish time 7pm
Approximate run time 8 hours
I will be staying in FROME overnight as my next day’s run takes me up to Bath. Can anyone help by advising me where is central to the
town centre and cheap to stay?
I literally require a bed for the night and a shower, as I will eat out in the town during the evening and pick up breakfast as I travel to Bath.